
101661+-+VG10+arms+crossed+1000x1000px.jpg 101661+-+VG10++1000x1000px.png 101661+-+VG10+arms+stretched++1000x1000px.png

Since the VG10 doesn't require a compressor or air supply, it's compact and easy to move around, bringing flexibility to your production line and saving maintenance cost.

It has flexible arms and adjustable vacuum enabling the VG10 to handle a variety of objects in many different sizes.

It's a dual gripper - you can control the right and left sides of the vacuum gripper independently of one another, further increasing efficiency on your production line.

Seamless integration with the robot of your choice. The gripper comes with dual grip functionality, tool changer and a variety of typical vacuum cups. Additionally, there are many third party vacuum cups available on the market to fit every application.


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