102844+-+VGC10++1000x1000px+B.jpg 102844+-+VGC10++1000x1000px+A.png 102844+-+VGC10++1000x1000px+C.png 102844+-+VGC10++1000x1000px+D.png

The VGC10 electrical compact vacuum gripper has unlimited customization possibilities.

It has changeable suction cup options too for nearly any application need.

Smaller than the VG10, the VGC10 can fit into tight environments to extend your automation possibilities. And at half the weight of the VG10 but with the same payload, the VGC10 can lift small, odd-shaped, and heavy objects even with a smaller robot arm.

The VGC10 features two independently controlled air channels that allow it to act as a dual gripper with pick-up and release in the same action, further increasing efficiency and reducing cycle time.

With no compressor or air supply needed, this compact electrical gripper is easy to move, and simple programming makes it quick and easy to redeploy for greater production flexibility.


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